Kids Collective Reggio Inspired Preschool

At Kids Collective we recognize the importance of collaborative learning, which views the child as a “social being.” Our teachers seek to foster meaningful relationships between children and their peers, the entire community and the environment.

What Is Reggio Preschool Curriculum?

Reggio Emilia is not just a method—it is a creative curriculum for a preschool accepted by the most innovative teachers in the USA, Italy, Sweden and other countries. It was established in Reggio Emilia, Italy in the years following World War II, and has its roots in the Italian family traditions and grassroots community. Today, the Reggio Emilia preschool curriculum is officially supported by the Italian government and has a large number of followers around the world.

Principles Followed by Reggio Preschool Los Angeles:

Child-Led Approach

Every child is an active participant in learning, a capable creator and investigator. Children can construct and prove their own theories about the world and, to a certain degree, control their education. Our variable and flexible study program follows prevalent children’s interests.

Team Communication

Kids are always eager to connect and interact with each other. For them, it is a unique way to build awareness and understanding among all the participants of study activities.

’The Hundred Languages’

Even the greatest thinkers of humankind were often inspired by an unlimited potential of children creativity. ‘The hundred languages’ alludes to the countless ways in which children express themselves: painting and drawing, dance and music, sculpturing and modeling, play pretend and acting, and many more. We appreciate and respect the potential of all children, and their right to express it.

Environment as The Third Teacher

Both teachers and parents should not forget that kids get most of their information about the world from their own experience when they look, touch, listen to and manipulate objects. This is the reason why a friendly environment is called ‘the third teacher’ in a Reggio inspired preschool. We offer indoor and outdoor environment with natural light, an edible garden, authentic and organic materials and a wide range of creative tools.

Documentation and Children Portfolios

Careful documentation of children’s activities helps us track the process of their development. It also provides insights into their learning process supported by a number of means, including journals, transcripts, photographs and video footage. At Kids Collective we bring not only visualization of learning, but also unforgettable childhood memories.